Gold Liquid Glide Top Coating

At the forefront of R&D At the core of Rex product development is detailed and reliable test data, based on decades of experience with wax products and carefully selected, top-quality raw materials from the chemical industry. Gold Liquid is once again a testament to this intense research and development work, as well as the waxing […]


Using Liquid Gliders as Top Coating

Liquid Glider as top coat to fine tune race waxing. Rex NF-series gliders have been used as a final top coating layer in many World Cup races this season. With this application method that uses short curing time and Rex Merino Roller, they improve glide even when applied on top of powders!

Waxing Tips

Waxing tips for juniors

Preparing skis for training and race-ready isn’t rocket science. Here are some slick waxing tips using Rex’s top-quality and easy-to-use products. Start with these Always clean the glide surfaces first with Glide Cleaner, as the adhesion and durability of glide waxes will improve significantly. For training glides and as a base wax for race waxing […]

Waxing Tips

Grip waxing tips

How to succeed in grip waxing? Check out the tutorial videos. Peeling the wax can Grip wax: normal freezing weather conditions Grip wax: New, compressed and moist snow Grip Wax: artificial snow, cold/freezing conditions Grip wax: moist artificial snow, icy tracks Liquid Rex Grip Waxes Grip waxing with Rex liquid grips is simple. Choose the […]

Waxing Tips

Using liquid waxes

The Rex liquid gliders are comparable to solid hot waxes in terms of performance. Only the application method is different. Using liquid gliders does not require wax iron. Liquid sponge waxes Clean the glide surfaces with Glide Cleaner before each waxing. Liquid spray waxes Clean the glide surfaces with Glide Cleaner before each waxing.


Examples of Race Waxing

+10..-0°C Wet snow -2..-8°C new snow -1..-10°C old/mixed snow -10..-15°C COld Long Distances: +5 -15°C old / mixed snow If moisture and more specific weather conditions are known, you can apply a suitable NFX powder on the surface long distances: +5 -15°C new snow If moisture and more specific weather conditions are known, you can […]


Using solid waxes

Using solid waxes with a waxing iron might sound too complicated. But the reality is far from that. Rex hot waxes are easy to apply, and learning to use them is simple. Stages of hot waxing: Always clean the glide surfaces with Glide Cleaner before waxing. Recommended accessories: Recommended products: Choose your preferred fluor-free glide […]

Waxing Tips

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